Tinne the Holly ... courage

Glossy leaves wrinkled and reaching,
Antennas that guide curious eyes,
Seeing and seeking to moralize
A path of wisdom.

Gentle with all I seek to be.
Gentle with holly I desire to be.
At home amid my friends I wish be
Instead of sitting on thorns of solitude.

When glassy eyes gaze on glossy leaves
Tinne the Holly lifts us from melancholy.
It removes darkness from thoughts.
It shines its light though our face to our soul.

Messages of our prayers are lifted,
Delivered to that place
We ponder but never picture.
The reply is the blessing, love, and abundance we deserve.

Green groweth the holly,
So doth the ivy.
When flowers cannot be seen,
And greenwood leaves be gone,

Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind.
Not so demanding
As man's ingratitude.

Heigh ho, sing heigh ho,
Unto the green holly.
Yes, heigh ho for the holly!
This life is most jolly.

Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
Thy sting is not so sharp.
As friend remember'd not.
Sing heigh ho for the holly:

Is loving mere folly?
Are memories melancholy?
Sing heigh ho for the holly!
Who says life is most jolly.

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